About this blog

This blog was started as a whirlwind. So these objectives are laid out on the top as a reminder to me and for you to remind me. These objectives will change accordingly. Do praise or criticize me for keeping to my plan or deviating from it. This is the start of accountability to my plan.

There are Twitter updates, if you are my friend please identify yourself when you add to your follow list.

Long term objectives
1. To be financially independent so that I can free my time in devoting to God and Family.
2. Money is for memories. I want to take my Family to Disneyland in 2014. I want my daughters to remember this for life. I can also take this to my grave.
3. Trading as a vehicle to secure my daughters' future education requirement.
4. Continued learning/evolution of myself and the markets.
5. This is not for fun, it is a means for an end. Be very ruthless!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Reflections of yesterday's trades

It was a good trade with excellent R/R, 9.75pt gain with a risk of 2pt initially. As I was trailing my stops up, Jeremiel did highlight to me of a better method than trailing my stops, with better performance, getting money in the pocket first.

It is consolidating my positions.

Since I bought at 882.75, I should take profit at 886.50, double top, first. Since the plan was to trail the stop to 883.50, I should buy again at 885.00 to 884.25 and my stop placed at 883.50 where I originally intended.

There is a risk to this, it is if the buy failed, I will get stopped out with a loss. But get this, I have taken money off and bought again at a discount. My nett gain is still better than a trailing stop.

The other way is to put a buy order at the break out of 886.75. This is a safer way, you don't know if the retrace stops you out but you want to reach your objective of 891.50. So buy from 886.75.

I have calculated that if I buy the break out and my usual 2 contracts, I would have gained 10.50pt, +0.75pt better. Safe with 4pt in the pocket should it not break out. If I were to bought at 885.00 SL at 883.50, I would have gained 11.25pt, +1.5pt better with a potential loss 3pt with a nett gain of 1pt from the consolidation. In other words, risking 3pt for 7.5pt gain for the latter.

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