About this blog

This blog was started as a whirlwind. So these objectives are laid out on the top as a reminder to me and for you to remind me. These objectives will change accordingly. Do praise or criticize me for keeping to my plan or deviating from it. This is the start of accountability to my plan.

There are Twitter updates, if you are my friend please identify yourself when you add to your follow list.

Long term objectives
1. To be financially independent so that I can free my time in devoting to God and Family.
2. Money is for memories. I want to take my Family to Disneyland in 2014. I want my daughters to remember this for life. I can also take this to my grave.
3. Trading as a vehicle to secure my daughters' future education requirement.
4. Continued learning/evolution of myself and the markets.
5. This is not for fun, it is a means for an end. Be very ruthless!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

ES Trade 9 July

0747h EST long 879.75 x2 The signal was the inversed Denver Plateau.
0750h EST +1pt 880.75 stop 879.00 Insurance bought. Looks like counter trend but we are on an uptrend since 1500h EST yesterday. If we have to print 888.00 and above to confirm our downleg has completed and we should be on the final up leg before Humpty Dumpty falls badly that he'll need all the king's(Obama) men to fix him. 0830h EST is the jobless claims report. I might exit or BE before 0830h.

0811h EST exit 881.00 for the 2nd, 5 tops. +2.07pt nett
0815h EST short 881.25 x2, upon the tops as a reversal.

0821h EST +1pt 880.25 Now news in 10 min. I'll be light. Stop 881.75 if they break those tops, more upside.
0829h EST stopped out. Jobless claims must be well received. Hit 884.25. Great that I was light. +2.40pt nett, loss of 0.5 in the last excursion.
0833h EST long 881.25 x2
0839h EST +1pt 882.25, insurance bought. stop remains 880.25. +3.31pt nett

0900h EST stop 881.50
0901h EST stopped. +3.47pt nett
0928h EST long 881.25 x2
0930h EST +1pt 882.25 stop 880.75
0932h EST stopped +3.80pt nett

1109h EST quiting. Very choppy market. Signals are very mixed. Unable to see well. After 20 trades, I only get +2.24 pt nett. Broker must be happy. So many of these trading bots switching on and off disturbing the market. Conditions are not right.

Till then, good night and tomorrow another day.

1 comment:

  1. Foarte interesant subiectul prezentat de tine.M-am uitat pe blogul tau si imi place tare mult
    Sigur am sa mai revin. O zi buna!
